A New Day

This is a day to walk away from what was

And begin anew.

A new life, a new hope,

A new light and home,

A new season, a new feeling,

And sometimes a new beginning from the old.

 A time to rebuild, renew and remold –


In these beginnings there exist endings.

Some welcome, some not.

What I thought was, wasn’t and

What I thought was done, was not.

But now there is a mellowness, a warm light,

A subtle joy in these changes as

I sense a grace in my thoughts, a softening of my soul,

A warming of my heart,

A fullness of my being and

A richness in my life.

This new now brings me peace, gratitude and

Strength, along with an acceptance of what is,

The ability to let go of what was as it is gone,

And to think not of what may be as that is yet unknown.

And so with faith I will rest in the arms of the now and hold dear against my chest,

Like the tiny body of a baby, my heart and watch its pain and sorrow melt away and

Drift with the tide out to sea,

Comforted by the light and love of the full moon.

At last I can rejoice in the here and now

And hold close the loves in my life without fear.

I will fill my soul with gratitude for this new peace and

Begin each day with love for the miracle it is and

The joy that these new beginnings bring.

Hari Om

10 thoughts on “A New Day

  1. I will fill my soul with gratitude for this new peace and

    Begin each day with love for the miracle it is and

    The joy that these new beginnings bring.”

    So beautiful just loved these lines. Each day is a new beginning and always be grateful to our Lord for each and everything. The joy is never ending. Your whole poem was wonderful.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. lafayettevoid

    michelle,if i could make a request with my humble position before you,could you please try writing something on boundless peace,and maybe,islam? it does not have to be religious,i’m only suggesting.and i’m sure that with you,it’ll be a memorable success.


    1. I would be honored to give your request a try. I don’t know much about Islam but I do know it is a wonderful and peaceful religion and has gotten a “bad name” but those who don’t understand or know …. I want to know more before i write so it may take me a little while but I would love to honor your request and thank you so much for your kind words and for reading my poems! Michelle

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