When the Clouds are Loud

Molly says, “The clouds are loud”

And she is so afraid!

Are you afraid when the clouds are loud?

And the lightening flickers across the sky and lights up the night?

And when the flashes come, do you see

Scary things in the shadows?

Are you afraid when the clouds are loud and

The wind howls and shakes the house and the rain falls in sheets and makes a pond of the field?

Are you afraid when the clouds are loud and the trees shake

And bend in fear

And the flowers cower and crows call and

The garden rolls up her skirt and hides behind the barn?

Are you afraid when the clouds are loud and the sky turns dark and

Thunder shakes the ground, rattles the windows and

The windmill blades spin in terror and

Birds hide in the cellar window wells?

And when the clouds return to silence and the world is washed fresh, does your fear wash away with the rain water?

Molly’s does.

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